You might use apps for travel purposes such as ordering a taxi or rideshare (e.g. Uber, Lyft), planning your bus or travel route, and booking tickets. These accounts contain information about your location and the areas you are visiting or intend to visit. These accounts may also contain billing or other personal information. If another person has access to these accounts, they could access information about your movements, where you are going or staying, your new address, and even your new phone number, email, and other personal information. If your former partner has access to the dates and times you plan to travel, or the exact routes or method of travel, he could cancel parts of your trip or plan to “unexpectedly” run into you.
- Ensure the email address linked with these accounts is secure.
- Review linked devices and log out of all unknown devices.
- Do not store your credit card on the app so no additional purchases can be made without your consent.
- Change the password and set up two-factor authentication where possible.
- Review the accounts’ privacy and security settings.
- Check your settings. Review and update personal information, checking your accounts recovery details to ensure the information is yours.
- Some ride sharing apps have safety features such as trusted contacts.
- If at any point you no longer have access to your former partner’s account that has your credit card info stored, you may want to talk to your bank about getting a new card.
Caution: Please note that if someone else has access to your account, they may be notified of these changes. Some abusers may escalate their violence. Control and coercion may make some of these steps neither possible nor safe. If you have children or other dependents, you might consider going through some of these steps with their technology and accounts as well. To develop a safety plan, visit www.sheltersafe.ca to find a safe, confidential program in your community.