Online entertainment accounts such as Netflix, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Amazon Prime, are often shared in relationships. These accounts hold information such as billing details, credit card info, location data, and your watch/listen history. If someone else has access to these accounts, they may find your location, harass you by changing details such as account names, lock you out of your accounts, or purchase items with your credit card.
- Depending on the service, remove your ex from your account by deleting their profile or by changing your password and logging them out.
- If you have been using your former partner’s account, ensure your credit card or banking information is not being used to pay for the account. If so, remove your billing information.
- Create your own entertainment account with a secure password.
Review your linked devices and login history.
- Change your password and set two-factor authentication.
- Check your recovery details to ensure it is your contact information.
- Check your privacy settings and unfriend/unfollow your former partner.
For example, on Spotify and Soundcloud, you might want to ensure your account and playlists are private and unfriend unfollow your former partner and their friends.
Caution: Please note that if someone else has access to your account, they may be notified of these changes. Some abusers may escalate their violence. Control and coercion may make some of these steps neither possible nor safe. If you have children or other dependents, you might consider going through some of these steps with their technology and accounts as well. To develop a safety plan, visit www.sheltersafe.ca to find a safe, confidential program in your community.