Technology-facilitated gender-based violence is when someone uses technology to harm or control you. It can look like harassing text or social media messages, restricting access to technology, non-consensually sharing intimate images, using location-tracking technology, or threatening to do any of these.
This interactive tool is designed to raise awareness and understanding of the various digital platforms a current or former partner might have access to and provides guidance on how to secure them against potential tech abuse former partner after a breakup. Some of these steps can be used before a breakup or part of steps within your safety plan.
This tool covers location tracking, email, social media accounts, online banking, and apps for such things as gaming, entertainment, travel, fitness, online food ordering, and dating. We hope this tool empowers survivors to take control of their devices and accounts, ensures digital freedom, and enables them to be online safely.
If you need support, please visit www.techsafety.ca for more resources www.sheltersafe.ca to find a safe, confidential support in your community.